Monday, January 28, 2008

New Word

Hello Everyone it has been a few days but i am back well it is another work week again, the weekend really went by fast as always hope everyone had a good one. i took the day off today so i just spent it cleaning my scraproom again. getting ready for the scrap sale this Saturday at my local scrapstore. i think i will do pretty good. at least i hope so anyway. getting ready to do a scrapbook for my mom of the wedding we went to a couple of weeks ago it is a surprise for the bride.i haven't done anything in a few days as far as making any cards or doing any scrappin' but i plan to do some this weekend if nothing gets in the way. today is my son's b-day. i did learn a new word over the weekend i thought it was really cute, i was visiting another blog and while i was reading it she keep saying SUGAR, HONEY, ICED TEA, SUGAR, HONEY, ICED TEA,so i kept on reading an finally she explain herself when she gets mad this is what she says instead of the word. look at it closely and u will see why she says it took me a minute to figure it out to but i finally got it so lady's when u get mad say these words SUGAR, HONEY ICED TEA. (LOL)HAVE A GOOD WEEK LADY'S



I know what you mean about cleaning up the scrap room. Seem everytime I clean it, I have to actually reorganize everything, LOL

Now about the sugar, honey, iced tea? I know this will probably be a "DUH" moment, but I just don't get it? Maybe you could either elaborate or provide a link? This is going to keep my wondering, LOL.

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