Hello Everyone
It has been a long while since i have blog anything. but i hope to get back into the swing of things here soon. my friend and i have been trying to get together for the longest time. but every time we try to something comes up, either she is busy or i am busy. and the weather doesn't help any because it is very HOT outside so we try to stay inside and keep cool. but yesterday we finally found some time to squeeze in so we could make some cards. she came over at 10:00 that morning and we got through around 8:00 that night. we had a lot of fun like we always do. so here are the cards that i made. we always try to make 3 at least if not more. it all depends on how we feel. we are both trying to get ready for another card bazaar that is coming up in oct. although she is way ahead of me.(LOL) i will catch up with her sooner or later. OK there you have it. hope you like what you see. so until next time.
1 year ago